Sunday, November 10, 2019


Employment letter should be in company's letter head and full mailing address should be there. The letter should bear the most recent date of issue.

The format of the letter should be as same as furnished below.

------------------------------------------COMPANY'S TITLE--------------------------------------------------

Date: …. …….

Letter of Employment

To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that ……………………….. son/daughter of ……………………. born on ………………….. resident of ………….your full home address……has been working with our company from …….. to until now as a ……JOB TITLE… in .. .. ACCOUNT Department.

The incumbent is entitled with the following particulars;

·       Job Type: full time Permanent
·       Salary:
·       Perks: mention if you have any
·       Annual Leave:

He is a bonafide employee of our organization. He has always been a very productive employee for us. Should you have anything to inquire, you can reach to us at Tel.: ……….. Email: ………………………  

Mr. Honest Daddy  
Managing Director
                                                                                                                                       Company Stamp

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